We are a charity. As said, we are a non-profit organization. We are a peacemaker and helper. We help people around India not only on natural disaster but in disease breakout and to Poor Needy People. In another word, we help people that seek help. We Provide Medical and Educational Help to make there life better and Deserves every human kind.

We are Ready to Care

We are always ready to caring and helping for the people , In our NGO every person is our responsiblity . We are care to your health is our Responsiblity and so on….
We Provide Education

We Provide Clothes

Clothing brings confidence and reflects the personality of the person. It helps a human body to survive the harsh weather conditions.
We are Provide Food

Food is the third most basic thing for life after air and water. This demonstrates the significance of food for living.
We Provide Books

Books help to inspire students to do hard work with courage and hope. students will get more knowledge, improve memory and build more vocabulary .
We Rely on People

Helping other is humanity. We can’t make it without helps from people. We are thankful to them for volunteering . We are only able to provide help from it.
Provide a Helping Hand
अमेठी : मिशन शक्ति अभियान के तहत महिलाओं को किया जा रहा है जागरूक
अमेठी : मिशन के वीडियो
अमेठी : मिशन के फ़ोटो

We Need You and Your Help